
Borneo Lestari Tour, Pangkalan Bun – Central Borneo

PT. Borneo Lestari Tour & Travel, Pangkalan Bun – Central Borneo Borneo Eco Tour based in Pangkalan Bun – Central Kalimantan. Borneo Eco Tour under the legal Company named PT. Borneo Lestari Tour & Travel established in 17 October 2008 by Peltana Danson (Danson). This company is member of ASITA (Association of Indonesia Travel Agency): 026/XIV/DPP/2009. Its main office is in Jl, Ahmad Wongso in the down town and it has Borneo Eco Tour counter in Pangkalan Bun Airport on Arrival room. Regarding the office is in Pangkalan Bun it…

Wonderful Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a very amazing natural wonder. This lake is thought to have been formed from the violent eruption of a volcano, Mount Toba, which occurred about 74,000 years ago. With an area of more than 1,145 square kilometers and a depth of 450 meters, Lake Toba is actually more like an ocean than a lake. In the middle of the largest volcanic lake in the world there is also an island that is quite large, namely Samosir Island. Enchanting Place Lake Toba is the perfect place to relax,…

Rambutan: The Unique Tropical Fruit With Hairs on The Skin

Rambutan is a tropical fruit that belongs to the family of Sapindaceae. The name of rambutan refers to the edible that produced by the tree. You need to know that rambutan is a native of Southeast Asia, and the fruit is related closely to several other edible tropical fruits such as pulasan, mamoncillo, and lychee. The name “Rambutan” comes from the Bahasa Indonesia word “rambut” which means “hair.” It is a reference to the numerous hairy protuberances that the fruit has, along with the noun-building suffix-an. While in Vietnam, this…

Trekking Tips in Raja Ampat

The Raja Ampat area, West Papua, in addition to its beautiful underwater panorama, the plains also have amazing charm. The karst hills at first glance look like cones, scattered in clear green waters. Deep blue water lagoons around it looks so wonderful. Tropical rainforests with endemic fauna of Raja Ampat such as the waigeo cuscus (Spilocuscus papuensis), the red bird of paradise (paradisaea rubra) and the bald bird of paradise (cicinnurus respublica) are also there. In addition to snorkeling, travelers can trekking to enjoy climbing spots on a cluster of…

The Beauty Panorama in Batu Belig Beach

From the many beaches in Bali, there is interesting one called Batu Belig Beach with undeniable beauty. No wonder if Batu Belig becomes a favorite destination for tourists to visit. No wonder Bali is often referred to as an extraordinary island of tourist attraction belongs to Indonesia. The beauty spreads from the coast to the mountains. In fact, the beach in Kerobokan area turned out to be able to seduce tourists to visit. The allure is mesmerizing with the appearance of natural beauty and atmosphere that no other beach has.…

Discover the Wildlife of Ujung Kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon National Park is one of 21 Model National Parks in Indonesia. Ujung Kulon National Park was established on February 26, 1992, located in Sumur and Cimanggu Districts, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province which combines the changing functions of several nature reserves and the designation of the surrounding marine waters. Ujung Kulon area was first introduced by a German Botanist, F. Junghun in 1846, while collecting tropical plants. Although the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 had wiped out the Ujung Kulon area, a few years later it was discovered that…

Ohoidertawun Beach, Beautiful View on Kei Islands

Ohoidertawun Beach is one of several beautiful beaches in the Kei Islands. This beach is located in Ohoi Ohoidertawun Village, Kei Kecil District, Southeast Maluku Regency. Ohoidertawun Beach is a sloping beach. At low tide, the beach will instantly become a wide field that juts into the sea for more than 200 meters. Not a few tourists who play football at low tide. To the east of the beach there are interesting coral cliffs. There are cave paintings on the cliffs. The painting depicts human figures, animals, boats and others…

The 7 of Indonesia’s Highest Mountains and Have Incredible Beauty

Indonesia, the largest archipelagic country in the world, certainly has many high mountains scattered throughout the island of Indonesia. The mountains of Indonesia also have extraordinary beauty. Climbing mountain is a very challenging activity and requires good mental and strength so that you can reach the top of mountain you are visiting. However, all the fatigue and hard work that you feel will be paid off with a very beautiful view and very happy to be able to reach the top of mountain. Here are some of Indonesia’s mountains with…

The Meaning Behind the 2022 Vesak Lanterns Release at Borobudur Temple

Trisuci Vesak Day commemorates three important events, they are the birth of Prince Siddharta, Prince Siddharta attaining Great Enlightenment and becoming a Buddha, and Buddha Gautama parinibbana (died). In the celebration, there is a tradition of releasing Vesak lanterns which is usually held at Borobudur Temple. The release of the lanterns was the culmination of Vesak ceremonies at Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java. Tourists can follow and capture the moment when releasing thousands of lanterns into the air. This moment becomes a very interesting experience for tourists, don’t forget to…

Special Food Served on The Special Day of Eid

The moment of Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran is often filled with meals with family and relatives. During Eid, a variety of food and beverage dishes are served at the dining table. Several types of Eid specialties include chicken opor, beef stew, ketupat, rendang, liver-fried chili sauce, and nastar cake. Eid specialties are usually only served during Eid. Therefore, Eid specialties are always eagerly awaited at the moment. Each region or family tradition has different Eid specialties. In Indonesia, the most common Lebaran food is ketupat or lontong. Ketupat or rice…