Thousand Islands – Visit Indonesia – The Most Beautiful Archipelago in The World Let’s Go Archipelago : The biggest islands country in the world Mon, 26 Nov 2012 06:16:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rondo Island, The Rich Uninhabited Island Thu, 31 May 2012 01:32:36 +0000
Rondo Island

Rondo is other outer island of Indonesia, it located in the Indian Ocean and adjacent to the territory of India, the Nicobar Islands. Rondo island is the northernmost territory of the Republic of Indonesia and is administratively a part of the town of Sabang, Aceh province. This island is one of small islands in Sabang regency area together with Klah, Rubiah, seulako and Weh Island. Rondo island is close in the north of Weh island.

Geographically, Pulau Rondo that located in the frontier regions of Republic of Indonesia is very strategic since it becomes an international shipping line. This waters that bordering India and Thailand is also has abundant marine wealth. Rondo island is administratively located in the Ujung Ba’u village, Sukakarya District, City of Sabang, Aceh Province, it is deserted and uninhabited.

This island is beautiful, especially when it viewed from Quick Bird satellite imagery. The whole island seemed wrapped in a green carpet. There is only one building stands out in red. That is the complex and lighthouse keeper’s house. Around the island, there is wet tropical forests that covered with various types of vegetation of trees, herbs, and shrubs that bind this mainland that having altitude of 35 meters above sea level. The types of vegetation in this forest such as trees, various kinds of fruits, cloves, ketapang, gelumpang, sea timber, Medang, Lagan, and so on.

The History Hidden On Onrust Island Fri, 02 Jul 2010 02:37:17 +0000
Onrust Island

Onrust Island is one of islands in Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, which lies near to Angel Island or Bidadari Island. In the period of Dutch colonial, the people of this island was called Ship Island or Pulau Kapal, because the island was frequently visited by Dutch ships before heading to Batavia. In addition, Onrust Island was a place of repair and ship building, which was indeed the island is very busy at that time. It is relatd bt the name ‘Onrust’ was taken from the Dutch language, which means ‘Never Rest’

In this island there are many archaeological remains in the Dutch colonial period and also a house that is still intact and used as Onrust Island Museum. Onrust Museum is the only building left standing intact. In this museum recorded the various developments of this island from time to time.

A the short history mentioned: between the years 1803-1810 Onrust island battered by the British for three times, and the last was in 1810 when the British fleet led by Admiral Edward Pellow destroy the facilities and infrastructure of Onrust Island. In the year 1848 Onrust Island and surrounding areas being occupied again by the Dutch naval base. However, this infrastructure again destroyed by tidal waves together with the eruption of Mount Krakatau in 1883.

In this island, there is also a tomb that is said to be the tomb of the leader of the rebellion DI / TII, Kartosoewirjo.

Although in a glance, this island look shambles, but the cleanliness of the island seems very highly considered. Because based on the decision of Governor of Jakarta, it was declared as a protected historic island.

The island is very easy to access by sea transportation, either through Muara Kamal, Muara Angke and Marina Ancol beach with a distance of approximately 14 kilometers can be gone for twenty minutes.

In the early days of independence, the Onrust island used as a quarantine hospital for infectious disease patients under the supervision of the Ministry of Health until early 1960. Then from 1960 until 1965 it used to be a shelter for homeless people and beggars as well as military training.

Visiting this island is such a historical tour, because this island is less revealing his face as a tourist island. At least by visiting this Onrust Island, we can take one long trip to feel the history of Indonesian.

The Hidden Palace Of Ayer Island Thu, 01 Jul 2010 03:35:11 +0000

Ayer Island

Island is one cluster of islands located in the Thousand Islands. Administratively included in the Thousand Islands district of Jakarta province, Indonesia. Pulau Ayer is known as the Pearl Islands. The extent is less than ten acres, situated near to the Marina Beach, Ancol.

In ancient times, this island was the private recreational retreat of the former kings of the Thousand Island. The island was welcoming visitors since 1950. Even during his lifetime, former President Sukarno made Pulau Ayer as a resting place. Former President Sukarno had also invited former President Tito of Yugoslavia and former Secretary General of the United Nations, UN, visited this island.

On this island cottages are also available which is located on the coast, fishing facilities at night, jet skiing and banana boat. This island is one of the islands in the Thousand Islands that have a source of fresh water.
