West Java – Visit Indonesia – The Most Beautiful Archipelago in The World https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog Let’s Go Archipelago : The biggest islands country in the world Thu, 05 Aug 2021 10:19:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 Bogor Botanical Garden Collections https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/bogor-botanical-garden-collections/ Thu, 05 Aug 2021 10:19:17 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5768 In the Journal of Nature (a scientific journal of high repute), Mounce et al (2017) revealed, widely that Botanical Gardens around the world have collected at least 105,634 species or equivalent to 30% of all known plant diversity worldwide. However, it was also disclosed that there are an estimated 75% of species that have not been conserved in the tropics.

Therefore, the Bogor Botanical Gardens which incidentally located in the tropics and are included in the oldest botanical gardens in Southeast Asia, must be able to answer the conservation challenges above, so that the conservation value in the tropics can be fulfilled. It should also be noted that based on the latest 2019 catalog book compiled by Ariati et al, the Bogor Botanical Gardens has a collection of 12,370 specimens belonging to 3,555 species, 1,202 genera, and 191 families. These collections do not include orchids, nepenthes, hoya, begonias, and other greenhouse collections.

Not only that, the report from the Botanical Gardens Area Development Unit also stated that there were about 28.59% contribution of Bogor Botanical Gardens to the conservation of rare plants on the IUCN Indonesia redlist. This achievement is a proud achievement, although more efforts are needed to be able to conserve more rare plants in Indonesia.

This is what then adds value to the world of Indonesia science, that now the general public, students, academics and researchers can see directly which plants with rare status have been successfully collected in Bogor Botanical Gardens, without having to look into the Indonesian jungle .

Even widely, Stephen Forbes in his publication “How Botanic Gardens Changed the World” reveals that the role of botanical gardens is also able to change the world through its contributions in medicine, plant naming, economic botany, and modification. This opportunity should also be taken from the existence of Bogor Botanical Gardens in the present.


History of Bogor Botanical Gardens https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/history-of-bogor-botanical-gardens/ Tue, 03 Aug 2021 04:59:36 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5765 The Bogor Botanical Gardens are the only natural destination in the middle of Bogor city with 87 hectares area. The transportation support capacity is very adequate to access this tourist location. Easy toll access and public transportation access are widely available, which are added values ??for the existence of this tourist location. The existence of the Bogor Botanical Gardens itself cannot be separated from the historical value of the existence of the Dutch in the colonial period, where it is known that the Bogor Botanical Gardens was founded by the Governor General G.A.G.P. Baron van der Capellen with ideas from Reinwardt who immediately became the leader of the Bogor Botanical Gardens at that time. Not only that, history also records the beginnings of plantations that exist today in Indonesia, namely oil palm plantations which are said to have been the first parent in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, and even tea plantations as well.

This is because, at first, the Dutch made the Bogor Botanical Gardens as an experimental garden for plantation crops during the Dutch East Indies era. Not only that, the Bogor Botanical Gardens at that time also became the mother of the birth of research institutions in Indonesia, especially in the botany field.

History also records that the birth of scientific institutions such as Bibliotheca Bogoriensis (1842), Herbarium Bogoriense (1844), Cibodas Botanical Gardens (1860), Treub Laboratory (1884), and the Museum and Zoology Laboratory (1894) begins from Bogor Botanical Garden as the place of botanist scientists at that time. Now, almost all of the above institutions are under the management of the State Institution, namely the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). However, some are managed by the Ministry of Institutions, such as the Ministry of Forestry and Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Currently, the Bogor Botanical Gardens is managed by LIPI through the Research Center for Plant Conservation and Botanical Gardens, which has the main function as conservation institution that has five functions: conservation, research, education, tourism, and environmental services. Not only the Bogor Botanical Gardens, the development of botanical gardens is also carried out in several locations under the management of LIPI, such as Cibodas Botanical Gardens, Purwodadi Botanical Gardens, Bali Botanical Gardens, and Cibinong Ecopark Botanical Gardens. The success of building the conservation institution was also finally able to spread its wings to areas with a total of 31 Regional Botanical Gardens which were successfully built under the management of 29 by the local government and 2 by the University. This number has the opportunity to increase, along with conservation issues that starting to looked at, because it is a long-term investment that can bring regional economic value.


Ranca Upas, Camping Place in Bandung https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/ranca-upas-camping-place-in-bandung/ Sun, 25 Jul 2021 18:19:00 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5748 Ranca Upas is one of the tourist destinations in Bandung. Here you can camp while looking at the herd of deer and stunning scenery. Ranca Upas is a tourist spot located in Rancabali District, Bandung Regency, West Java. Ranca Upas is also known as campground, which is a favorite place for nature lovers.

At Ranca Upas you can camp in the meadow on a hill of about 1700 meters above sea level. The view in the morning really amazes like being abroad. Moreover, the cool air makes the atmosphere more serene.

Cai Ranca Upas Village is located in Ciwidey, South Bandung, West Java. Precisely on Jalan Raya Ciwidey Patenggang KM. 11, Alam Endah, Ciwidey, Bandung. The distance is about 50 KM from the city of Bandung. This tourist spot is not far from Kawah Putih and Situ Patenggang.

Ranca Upas has about 215 hectares. Ranca Upas is also one of the protected forest areas in Bandung. Ranca Upas is also used as conservation place of various kinds of rare flora plants such as jamuju, huru, hamirug, kihujan, kitambang and various fauna such as birds and deer.

The average temperature at Ranca Upas is around 17-20 degrees Celsius. The Ranca Upas Campground is under the Indonesian Forest Company or PERHUTANI. This campsite is also used as a place for deer curiosity. So don’t be surprised when you stay here, you can see views of deer playing while eating grass.

Deer breeding is also one of the favorite spots for visitors. Here you can directly interact with the deer without the barrier of the guardrail. You can also buy vegetables that have been provided as deer feed, and rent boots if the soil in captivity is muddy.

Facilities at Ranca Upas apart from camping, there are also outbound and paint ball sports. Outbound games that can stimulate adrenaline such as flying fox, elvis bridge, and rocking bridge. In addition to spending the night in tents, visitors can also try Ranca Upas lodges. There are two lodging places around Ranca Upas Ciwidey, from DRiam Riverside Resort Ciwidey to Hotel 88 Kopo Bandung.


3 Most Popular Waterfalls in West Java https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/3-most-popular-waterfalls-in-west-java/ Mon, 24 May 2021 18:44:00 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5671 Last year, the waterfall or in local language called as ‘curug’, became a very popular tourist destination for tourists. Its presence in remote areas makes tourists more curious and feels challenged to reach it. Local waterfalls are also crowded because at that time Indonesian citizens were hit by boredom due to the Corona virus pandemic which forced them to cancel their vacation plans.

West Java is not only famous for its beautiful beaches and mountains. The area, which is divided into 18 districts and nine cities, also has tourism potential of waterfalls. The following are the three most famous waterfall in West Java Province and can be used as holiday tourist destinations after the Corona virus pandemic has subsided:

Jagapati Waterfall
Curug Jagapati is located in Neglasari Village, Cisompet District, Garut Regency which is about two hours drive from Jalan Raya Garut-Cikajang. To get to the waterfall, tourists only need to walk. Therefore tourists are advised to use comfortable footwear.

Besides spoiled for the view of an exotic waterfall, tourists will also be treated to shady and beautiful trees around the location. Here, tourists can enjoy a natural swimming pool that suitable for refreshing the body after a trip to Curug Jagapati. The clear water can heals your tired days.

Cikondang Waterfall
Curug Cikondang has recently become one of the natural tourist destinations that start to be visited by many tourists. The location is in Sungkadana Village, Cempaka District, Cianjur Regency, about 37 kilometers from the center of Cianjur City. Curug Cikondang has a unique character compared to other waterfalls. Curug Cikondang is not too high but has fairly wide body. In fact, Curug Cikondang is often called as Mini Niagara Falls

The combination of a beautiful waterfall and panoramic view of green nature can refresh the eyes and soothe the soul. It is not surprising that many tourists from various regions make Curug Cikondang a tourist destination, especially on weekends. Besides able to enjoy the beautiful panorama from the top of the waterfall and the natural scenery around it which is green and beautiful, there can also compete adrenaline with canyoing with an experienced guide.

Cikaso Waterfall
Curug Cikaso is a part of the Ciletuh Geopark, an earth park which last year was included in the prestigious UNESCO Global Geopark list. The location of this waterfall is in Cibitung District, Sukabumi Regency. To get to Curug Cikaso, from the destination entrance, tourists can use a boat about one kilometer down a river or can walk while looking at the rice fields and trees.

Curug Cikaso offers the beauty of a clear, bluish green waterfall surrounded by lush trees. Many tourists think of this waterfall like a painting. The water from Curug Cikaso has three beautiful waterfall paths, named Curug Asepan (left), Curug Meong (center) and Curug Aki (right). The three water spills are accommodated by a large pool which is great for swimming or playing in the water. In addition to the water that flows very swiftly, this waterfall also has fresh water.

In the midst of the Corona virus pandemic, travel is still categorized as a non-emergency trip, so it should not be done in order to prevent the spread and transmission of Covid-19, especially in areas where health facilities are still lacking.

If you want to travel between cities or between countries, don’t forget to obey the Corona virus prevention health protocol, by wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining physical distance between visitors. Don’t come in sick and come home sick.


Stunning Sunrise on The Panyaweuyan Majalengka Terraces https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/stunning-sunrise-on-the-panyaweuyan-majalengka-terraces/ Sun, 16 May 2021 18:01:00 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5664 One of the places in Majalengka is the center for planting green onions. Precisely in Tejamulya Village, Argapura, Majalengka, West Java. Located at the foot of the slopes of Mount Ciremai, this village has fertile land and supports farmers to cultivate crops.

The vast area of onion plantations makes the Panyaweuyan Valley in this village have a unique panorama. Many people call the scenery here like the Tegalalang Terraces in Ubud Bali. The difference is that in Ubud, rice terraces are terraced, Panyaweuyan has leek terraces.

The best moment visiting Panyaweuyan Valley is waiting for the second the sun to rise. The sun was seen slipping behind the clouds, producing a charming burst of light. The expanse of spring onions combined with the sun flash showed itself. Become a favorite sight that tourists crave.

The sun rises behind the majestic Mount Ciremai. The mountain as high as 3078 meters above sea level causes the slopes in the west to be late to see the sunrise. Mount Ciremai’s landscape rises, covered in thin clouds. As if to warm the morning chill in the Panyaweuyan Valley.

05.30 am is the best time to wait for the nuances of the sunrise in the Panyaweuyan Valley. Before that you have to travel in the middle of the cold slopes of the mountains. Everything will pay off when you reach the Panyaweuyan Valley.

Looking to the west, the rows of leek fields spoil the eyes even more. Located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, the air in this valley is cool. Farmers also use it to grow green onions. The existence of the terraced fields in Panyaweuyan is a blessing in itself. The presence of tourists also generates income for leek farmers.

The cool air combined with green onions makes it even cooler. This unique range of terraces is a favorite spot for tourists. The neat rows of leek fields always attract attention. No wonder Panyaweuyan terraces have gone viral because of their beauty. Here you can also spend the morning taking a selfie in the middle of a green onion field.

The best time to see the expanse of leek terraces is the rainy season. Farmers plant onions only during the rainy season. When the rainy season is over, farmers switch to planting crops. They only grow green onions only 2 times a year. So, tourists must carefully consider when is the right time to visit Panyaweuyan.

This Panyaweuyan Valley spot is also a favorite of professional photographers. They made various conceptual photos as a backdrop of green onions. To make it easier, you can also camp in Panyaweuyan valley area. Come in the evening, spend the night and enjoy the sunrise typical of the Panyaweuyan Terraces.

You have to travel 50 minutes from Majalengka city. Don’t forget to prepare a prime vehicle. The reason is, when entering the Panyaweuyan Valley, the vehicle must give its best performance. Steep roads dominate the Panyaweuyan area. The facilities in Panyaweuyan Valley are fairly complete. Currently there are several viewing posts. In addition, other supporting public facilities such as toilets, food stalls and parking lots have also been provided.


Nature Tourism You Must Visit in Tasikmalaya Regency https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/nature-tourism-you-must-visit-in-tasikmalaya-regency/ Wed, 13 Jan 2021 07:54:05 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5548 When you visit Tasikmalaya, you will be presented with many beautiful natural destinations. Here are the destinations that you must visit:

  1. Mount Galunggung
    Mount Galunggung, offers tours to the top of the crater and sulfur hot springs. Galunggung hot spring baths include a swimming pool as a place to soak in. Private hot tub rooms are also available. In addition, if you walk higher, you will be able to soak in the river of natural hot springs. Mount Galunggung tour area is located in Linggajati Village, Sukaratu District, Tasikmalaya Regency. Galunggung tourism has been managed by Official Forestration and the Tourism Office so that it has complete facilities and it is not difficult to get souvenirs and food.
  2. Curug Gado Bangkong
    This waterfall is one of the natural tourist destinations that popular among young community. Apart from the freshness of the water, it is also an “instagramable” place or perfect for photography session and uploaded to Instagram. Because it is still natural, it is advisable to visit in the morning before evening because there is still less street lighting so it is quite risky.

    Curug Gado Bangkong is located in Santanamekar Village, Cisayong Tasikmalaya, located on the slopes of Mount Galunggung. Note that those who drive a car must park, and walk or get motorbike to reach the waterfall.
  1. Ciparay waterfall
    This waterfall tour is located in Parentas, Cigalontang, Tasikmalaya Regency. Ciparay waterfall starts operating at 06.30 AM – 17.00 PM. Curug Ciparay offers two waterfalls at once. This waterfall is 55 meters high and 75 meters high so it has a large burst of water.

Because the Ciparay waterfall is still natural and there have not been too many improvements from the government, so there is only a public toilet in the upper area before going down to the waterfall area and stairs for access to the waterfall. Visitors will need to bring their own sufficient supplies and personal medicine supplies or first aid kit.


Snorkeling at Telaga Nilem, Kuningan, West Java https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/snorkeling-at-telaga-nilem-kuningan-west-java/ Wed, 30 Dec 2020 09:38:38 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5540 The charm of Indonesia’s natural beauty is indeed super amazing. From Sabang to Merauke, there are many extraordinary and exciting destinations to visit. One of them is Telaga Nilem which locaten in a city that famous for its horses: Kuningan city, West Java.

The interesting thing of this lake is the very clear lake water, so that you can see the bottom of the lake with your naked eye or without any tools help. When traveling to Nilem Lake, you don’t need to worry because the manager has provided facilities that support the comfort of the visitor, such as motorboats, water bikes that can used to get around the lake. In addition, there is also a well-maintained and adequate parking area, prayer room and toilet. And, there are several souvenir shop that sells special handicraft products of Telaga Nilem which can be taken home as a keepsake or souvenir.

Other facilities provided by the manager are several gazebos on the edge of the lake that well maintained. With these gazebos, visitors can relax and enjoy the panoramic beauty of this beautiful lake.

The origin of nilem name is because there are many nilem fish in this lake. So that the lake called as Nilem. Nilem Lake is a natural spring or pool with clear and clean water. The water comes directly from mountain springs. There are lush and shady forests around the lake, that make the atmosphere looks beautiful, attractive and natural. It is tends to be quiet and not too crowded. The air is cold because this lake is a part of Gunung Ciremai National Park area.

The depth of this lake is about 3 meters like a stretch of clear green glass with gravel, rocks, moss and algae filling it. This is the main attraction for tourists who come to visit. Usually the water lake is not as clear as the water in Nilem Lake. Many tourists could enjoy their vacation, not only bathe, but some also dive and snorkel. Of course, this kind of thing is not the same as other tourist spots which usually prohibit visitors from diving and snorkeling in the lake.

There are also two types of ponds in the lake. It is called as shallow pools with about 0 – 1.2 meters depth and deep pools with about 0 – 4 meters depth. Usually, visitors soak or swim in this shallow or deep pool.


Grafika Cikole, Your Modern Way For Camping, Lembang – Bandung https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/2852-2/ Fri, 01 Apr 2016 07:21:54 +0000 http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=2852 This ecotourism becomes more popular, especially for those who travel to Mount Tangkuban Perahu. If you are heading to Tangkuban Perahu, this place is located on the left side, and it has the concept of one-stop service, where this tour is perfect for traveler who give visit in Bandung. Located on an area of ??9 hectares, right at the foot of Mount Tangkuban Perahu at an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level, the cool air temperature is about 20 degrees with stunning view. For Bandung people, Cikole region is known as a favorite camping spot. For those of who want to feel the chill and refreshing Bandung, at Grafika Cikole, you can walk in the middle of a pine forest and enjoy the various facilities that available there. In case this fits into your travel destination for organizing outdoor activities for companies, government agencies, schools and as a family tourist attractions. This Tourism Grafika Cikole is under Group which is engaged in the restaurant, hotel, outbound travel, catering, printing, and education consultant. Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole Jln Raya Tangkuban Perahu km 8 Desa Cikole, Kec. Lembang Kab. Bandung Barat [Lihat peta lokasi] Informasi dan kontak: Telp. (022) 278 69 06 Fax. (022) 8278 05 05 PIN BB: – 24C41153 – 74D33BD2 – 2B5D6DBF Mobile phone: – 081 322 500 284 -: 0817 426 244

Moko Highland, Bandung – West Java https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/moko-highland-bandung-west-java/ Fri, 21 Feb 2014 03:41:44 +0000 http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=2630 Moko

Moko hill is a highland that located in the village of Cimenyan, Bandung regency, West Java. To reach this place, the visitors can take the access from several places, such as Bojongkoneng Road or Padasuka. Right on the Moko highland, there is a shop called Daweung. “Daweung” in Sundanese means daydreaming or brooding. This is because the location is often used to daydream while enjoying the splendid natural beauty from the tables and chairs which made ??of stone.

During sunset, Moko highland will indulgent us with its extraordinary natural scenery. The sparkling of the city lights and the nuance over the peak of the hill will collide and makes beauty in our eyes. Splendid!

The Blue Bright Pangandaran – West Java https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/the-blue-bright-pangandaran-west-java/ Wed, 29 May 2013 03:03:57 +0000 http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=2532 pangandaran

Pangandaran is one of West Java’s destinations that most visited by both local and international tourists. It lies in west Java southern peninsula along 91 Km from Ciamis. Pengandaran offers the exotic of black and white sandy beach, with unforgettable sunset.

This tourism object is facing to Hindia Ocean, and it takes 223 Km from bandung or 400 Km from Jakarta, which is located in the middle of Bandung and Yogyakarta.

Pangandaran was popular by fisherman small town, where there are fisherman start the day and back from their sailing at the same place by bringing some fresh fishes. The activity of pulling the net fish can still be seen today and it becomes the one of attractions.

Instead of enjoying the scenery, we can also enjoy sunbathing and swimming. Especially on Penanjung beach, where it has quite waves and it safes for swimming. Around the beach, there is hills that becomes a conservatives forest, and here live monkeys, deer, buffalo and other exotic animals. There are also natural caves, which was the heritage of Japanese troops during WW II as a safety bunker.


