Yogyakarta – Visit Indonesia – The Most Beautiful Archipelago in The World https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog Let’s Go Archipelago : The biggest islands country in the world Tue, 06 Jul 2021 11:31:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 Yogyakarta Tourism Destinations After Kalibiru Is Pinus Pengger https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/yogyakarta-tourism-destinations-after-kalibiru-is-pinus-pengger/ Thu, 29 Jul 2021 18:26:00 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5754 The Special Region of Yogyakarta is one of the provinces of Indonesia that has a lot of beauties, there are always new tourist attractions there. Not surprisingly, Yogyakarta has become one of the favorite tourist destinations for travelers, both local and foreign tourists. Especially at this time, tourism in Yogyakarta continues to develop to present tourist destinations that are worth visiting. In addition to the Kalibiru National Park, there are new tourist destinations in Yogyakarta that should on your to-do-list when traveling to Yogyakarta.

Kalibiru National Park
Kalibiru National Park is a protected forest area located in Kulon Progo Regency and managed by local communities. Kalibiru National Park is the right choice when you want to enjoy beautiful natural panoramas at low costs. Visitors will be spoiled with a forest atmosphere surrounded by a series of Menoreh hills, about 450m above sea level. One of the distinctive spots in Kalibiru National Park is the wooden platform overlooking the mountains and green forest below. Of course, this space gives visitors the opportunity to explore further the beauty of the scenery of the Kalibiru National Park, both to enjoy the cool hill air and to capture photos of natural scenery.

Jomblang Cave
Jomblang Cave is one of recommended tourist attractions with a natural and adventurous atmosphere. Located in Ayahejo Village, Gunung Kidul Regency, Jomblang Cave is a vertical cave with collapse doline type. Caving or entering the sinkhole is the main tourist activity in Jomblang Cave. The view of sunlight entering the bottom of the cave, or known as the “light of heaven” is the typical mainstay panorama that is awaited in Luweng Goa Jomblang. Therefore, if you want to do this trip, visitors must make a reservation in advance because it is only done once a day.

Pinus Pengger
Talking about tourist attractions in Yogyakarta is endless. Another relatively new tourist attraction in Yogyakarta is Pinus Pengger. Located in Terong Village, Bantul. Pinus Pengger is ready to provide Yogyakarta city views with sparkling lights from dusk to night. In addition, Pinus Pengger also presents interesting photo or instagramable places with pine forest background. A tree with a large hole in the middle is favorite photo location at Pinus Pengger, make sure not to forget to capture it.

Those are some recommendations for the latest tourist destinations in Yogyakarta that must be visited when visiting Yogyakarta. Are you ready to travel to Yogyakarta?


The Uniqueness of A Hundred Year Old Tree Grows Towering From Inside The Cave https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/the-uniqueness-of-a-hundred-year-old-tree-grows-towering-from-inside-the-cave/ Thu, 06 May 2021 06:56:38 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5661 A towering tree inside Rancang Kencana cave in Bleberan Village, Playen District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. The tree is hundreds of years old. In 2003, a team of archaeologists from Gajah Mada University (UGM) conducted research on this tree. The results of his research, the tree is estimated to be about 300 years old. The big tree in the cave is called Klempit or Tlumpi. The Klempit tree bears fruit every rainy season. According to the local resident, the fruit of the tree can be eaten.

The shape of the fruit is like juwet or melinjo. The fruit tastes good. The cave that has also existed for hundreds of years. The phenomenon of the tree in the cave is an extraordinary destination. Almost every day there are people who come to the cave just to see and take pictures under the tree. The location of the trees in the cave is an interesting object for people who come to visit. Not only from the people around Gunung Kidul, but also foreign tourists.

Because people have started to visit it, in recent years the Rancang Kencana Cave has become a tourist destination. The manager of the tourist spot is a local villager. Before becoming a destination, Rancang Kencana Cave is said to have been a place for meditate or be imprisoned. Local residents said there were three rooms in two.

The cave with 50 meters length in the first room is 20 meters long named the hall. The second room called the offering. In the second room there is incense and perfumed oil as offerings. And the third called as the meditation room. This third room was used as a meditation by the residents. Because this cave has become a tourist attraction and many visitors, people who want to meditate are limited. They were only allowed to meditate at night.

After becoming a tourist destination, the cave room, known as the hall, even became a meeting place for residents who were conducting outbound activities. In fact, the cave hall is often used as a venue for events. To enter the cave is not difficult. Local residents have installed stairs so that it is easy to enter the cave.


Exploring A Waterfall That Was Once Used by A Hollywood Film https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/exploring-a-waterfall-that-was-once-used-by-a-hollywood-film/ Mon, 26 Apr 2021 04:57:50 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5639 Every waterfall always keeps a story. Including the Sri Gethuk waterfall in Bleberan Village, Playen District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. Many people call Sri Gethuk a beautiful waterfall. The water comes from a limestone embankment river that cuts rock cliffs to form a waterfall. The Sri Gethuk waterfall flows into the Oyo river.

Often the rocks under waterfalls are also used for meditation. Usually meditating in the morning before many visitors come. The beauty of Sri Gethuk waterfall is already famous. Even the Sri Gethuk waterfall was once used as a location or place to shoot a hollywood film. This Skyline film also stars Hollywood actor Frank Grillo. There is a song scene when shooting. People can only watch from a distance because they can’t get close.

Visit this area is very pleasant. It feels peaceful at heart, you can see the surrounding scenery, like towering trees. Presents a natural charm and so impressive. In addition, the waterfalls here have different levels of rock. So, the water will fall following the path of the existing rock.

Getting to this area is very easy, tourists can start from Yogyakarta City towards Piyungan. Then, go up towards Pathuk. Continue up to the Gading junction. Then, turn right towards the Playen. So, arriving at Playen, continue the journey to Palihan sub-district.


Explore Tebing Breksi Jogjakarta https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/explore-tebing-breksi-jogjakarta/ Tue, 15 Sep 2020 06:42:18 +0000 https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5484 When exploring Yogyakarta City, tourists should not forget to drop by in Prambanan Sub-District of Sleman Regency. Aside from offering beautiful temples, that area is also known for its Tebing Breksi or the Breccia Cliff. The exact location is in Sambirejo Village and it resides near to several famous temples like Prambanan, Ratu Boko, Candi Ijo, and Kalasan Temple. This majestic cliff is popular among tourists due to the excellent nuance and amazing landscapes, actually. No wonder, all visitors are likely to enjoy sightseeing and photography there. Some tourists also take advantage of the site for an exploration!

For the information, Tebing Breksi was once used as a mining site. However, it was abandoned and left an amazing landscape for tourism. The local government also takes a good care of it and provides several improvements, especially when it comes to ornaments. For example, tourists may find a unique dragon carving located on the top of the cliff. From that spot, they can also witness an amazing panorama! Have no worries. Iron fences surround the cliff, so tourists can explore the site safely.

The first benefit that tourists can get when visiting Tebing Breksi is definitely the history. According to the locals, the cliff was formed due to the volcanic ash deposits of Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano. The local government also conducted a mining activity there back then. However, they stopped it in 2015. These days, instead of being a mining site, Tebing Breksi has become a new attractive place to spend a vacation with families. The parking area is vast and it features several basic facilities as well. No wonder, lots of tourists keep coming either during weekends or regular day.

The best part is indeed the peak of Tebing Breksi. It offers spending panoramas and great landscapes for sightseeing too! Not to mention tourists may find several beautiful carvings up there. Both local government and artists made those! Numerous shapes of carvings can be seen including dragons, wayang, and much more! Don’t forget to take photos of these later! In the afternoon, visitors can also watch the beautiful sunset! Other amazing views are Prambanan and Baron Temple on the horizon. Everyone won’t feel bored there, for sure.

Photo by: eksotisjogja.com

Pindul Cave in Gunung Kidul https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/pindul-cave-in-gunung-kidul-2/ Fri, 13 Dec 2019 09:51:57 +0000 http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=5305 Here is a nice tourist site that people can visit in Gunung Kidul Regency. The name is Pindul Cave and it offers both an interesting history and astonishing beauty. The cave is located in Bejiharjo Village and it belongs to Karangmojo Sub-District. Due to the popularity and easy accessibility, the cave is even well-known among outsiders and foreigners! These people want to enjoy many things on the site, including learning history, sightseeing, relaxation, tubing, caving, and photography, after all. So, what makes the cave different than others? Here is further discussion about it.

The Nuance

Unlike regular caves, Pindul features a river on its entrance. The cave is also surrounded by rocky surfaces, which are known for the myth. It is said those stones can help people to retain their youth! As for the depth or length, it is around 350 meters. The entrance has a width of 4 meters and the height of 5 meters. As for the depth of the river, it varies from 1 to 12 meters! Many bushes and small plants can also be seen near to the entrance of the cave. Also, the number of visitors is high and these people usually spend most of their time tubing on the river.

Exploring Pindul Cave

Caving becomes the most popular thing to do in Pindul Cave indeed. However, everyone should wear the right equipment and rent the tube beforehand. Unlike regular caves, exploration in this cave won’t involve walking! Instead, tourists can sit comfortably on the tube and explore the site through the river. When caving, they may see stunning stalagmites and stalactites, too! The biggest stalactite is called Soko Guru. Due to the majestic size, it often becomes a background for photography, too, in fact!

When reaching the endpoint, tourists would see a stunning light coming down from a hole on the top of the cave. The locals call it a hidden heaven’ light, actually! In this spot, tourists often conduct photography and sightseeing before getting out the cave, as well. This experience would definitely satisfy everyone, especially those who love adventure. Still, visitors must spend some money on renting and using the facility. The management offers various tubing packages, so don’t worry. Tourists can choose one based on their budget, therefore.

What is more? Another allure is related to history. It is said the cave’s river was once used to irrigate local farms. Also, in the past, two royal butlers of Mataram Kingdom came to the site to bathe the royal baby. They ran to that place to avoid a gruesome task (killing the baby), after all. Have no worries. For further information regarding the history, tourists can ask the locals later.

How to Get There

The best way to get to Yogyakarta City is indeed by airplane, especially for those who come from outside the region. Those who come from Jakarta City, in this case, they must take an airplane service at Soekarno – Hatta International Airport and head to Adisucipto Airport right away. During good weather, this flight may take around 1 hour and 10 minutes. From the airport, the next destination is Gunung Kidul Regency and tourists can take Nasional III Street to get there. The distance is 44.8 km, so this trip would take about 1 hour and 9 minutes. Next, they must take Karangmojo – Wonosari Street and head to Pindul Cave immediately. The distance is 15.7 km, so the trip takes approximately 33 minutes.

  • The New Orlinds Guesthouse
  • Omah Kemala
Labuhan Keraton Ngayogyakarta https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/labuhan-keraton-ngayogyakarta/ Tue, 18 Apr 2017 07:21:22 +0000 http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=3170 LABUHAN KERATON NGAYOGYAKARTA
Labuhan Keraton or the Royal Offerings of Yogyakarta is usually performed on the 30th of Rajab, so it will probably be hold on Thursday, 27 April 2017, at 07.00 am at the “Pendhapa” (Javanese Mansion) of Kretek Subdistrict Office. The Ngayogyakarta Royal servants transfer the vessels of the offering-implement to the Bantul Government. Then the offering-implement is delivered to the “Pendhapa” of Parangkusumo, and given to the caretaker to be arranged in “ancak” (the vessel made of bamboo). After the prayer fort it in “cepuri” (a supporting resort of the gateway) of Parangkusumo, the ritual goes on with the burying of the Sultan’s goods such as the cut of hair or nail. It is conclude with floating the “ancak” away to the sea.

Upacara Labuhan Keraton Ngayogykarta biasanya dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 Rejeb dimana pada tahin ini jatuh pada hari Kamis, taggal 27 April 2017. Ritual upacara dimulai pukul 07.00 di Pendapa Kecamatan Kretek yaitu dengan pasrah panampi (penyerahan sesaji) dari Parentah Ageng Kraton Ngayogyakarta kepada Bupati Bantul. Setelah itu uba rampe dibawa ke Pendapa Parangkusuma untuk diwilang (diperiksa) sebelum diserahkan kepada juru kunci di Parangkusuma, sekaligus didoakan. Acara ini berlangsung di Cepuri Parangkusuma. Setelah didoakan, salah satu uba rampe yang berisi lorodan ageman (pakaian bekas sultan),kenaka (potongan kuku), serta rikma (potongan rambu) selama setahun dikubur di sudut cepuri sambal menabur bunga dan membakar dupa. Sisa uba rampe berupa Sembilan kain dengan corak dan warna khusus, uang tindhih lima ratus, minyak koyoh, dupa serta layon sekar (sejumlah bunga yamg sudah layu dan kering, bekas sesajen pusaka keratin selama setahun), dan jajanan pasar yang ditempatkan pada 3 ancak dilabuh.

Upacara ini dapat dimaknai sebgai bentuk syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena keselamatan yang telah diterima rakyat Ngayogyakarta. Juga untuk memohon kepada Tuhan YME agar Sultan, Keraton, Rakyat Yogyakarta diberi keselamatan, ketentraman, dan kesejahteraan hidup.

The Ancient Ratu Boko Temple, Yogyakarta https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/the-ancient-ratu-boko-temple-yogyakarta/ Mon, 16 May 2016 08:57:52 +0000 http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=2882 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=218GWVk1pL4
Ratu Boko Palace is located in Jl. Raya Piyungan, 3 km south of Prambanan Temple at Dawung and Sambirejo villages, Piyungan, or 19 km east of Jogjakarta. It opens daily 6 am – 5.30 pm and it entrance fee charged.

Ratu Boko Palace is a huge complex built on 16 hectares as the residence of King Boko of the first Mataram dynasty. Local legend says that Ratu Boko liked to eat human flesh. Primarily in ruins, visitors must use their imaginations to fill in historical and structural gaps.

Gold plates inscribed with Buddhist mantras have been found here dating to 792 A.D, along with stupas and Bodhisattva statues, indicating that at one time it might have also been a monastery. However, Hindu remains such as lingga and Ganesha statues have also been discovered.

From the restored main entrance to the right is the Palace’s audience hall that has been restored. On the left of the hall is a Keputren Pool (Princess’ Bath) that was used as a bathing pool for women. Fragments of sculptures and bas-reliefs can be found around the pools: elephants, birds and snakes. Other partial structures are a crematory temple, now only a tall platform bordered by steps and surrounded by parapets; a pendopo (meeting hall) surrounded by a high rock fence with three entrance gates and water spouts outside the fence; a miniature Hindu temple with three small gates representing Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu; and the alun-alun, the town square. To the south of the complex are two caves, probably used for meditation.

The panoramic views surrounding the complex are breathtaking. On a clear morning, Mount Merapi and Prambanan and Kalasan temples are visible to the north, while to the south, the Indian Ocean is discernible in the distance.

Ratu Boko Temple, Yogyakarta https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/ratu-boko-temple-yogyakarta/ Fri, 11 Dec 2015 01:16:56 +0000 http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=2768 Ratu Boko Temple

Settled on a hillside plateau, overlooking Prambanan temple complex and with a view to Mount Merapi behind Prambanan Temple complex, lie the remains of a once grand palace. The palace (kraton) is named Ratu Boko after a King Boko of local folklore, but the real owner of the palace is more likely to have been a king of a local dynasty.

Ratu Boko temple is located on a plateau, about three kilometres south of Lara Jonggrang Prambanan temple complex in Yogyakarta Central Java, Indonesia. Grand stone gates, built on two levels, are the largest and most often photographed structures of the site, it is clear that these lead to what was once a settlement, which sets Ratu Boko apart from the other archaeological sites in Central Java which are entirely religious in nature.

The site covers 16 hectares in two hamlets (Dawung and Sambireja) of the village of Bokoharjo and Prambanan. In striking contrast to other Classic-period sites in Central Java and Yogyakarta, which are remains of temples, Ratu Boko displays attributes of an occupation or settlement site, although its precise functions is unknown. Probably the site was a palace complex which belongs to the kings of Sailendra or Mataram Kingdom that also build temples scattered across Prambanan Plain.

In 1790 the Dutchman Van Boeckholtz found ruins, and over time research was done, and by 1838 the Dutch commenced restoration work. In 1952 the Indonesian government took the reigns, and has continued work since then.

Hotels In Yogyakarta In iPad, iPhone & Android https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/hotels-in-yogyakarta-in-ipad-iphone-android/ Fri, 17 May 2013 04:24:52 +0000 http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=2517 yog 1

To support the need of recreational things in Yogyakarta, the accommodation is also increase. In fact, there are numbers of star hotels and non-star hotels that ready to serve their specialties to comfort your stay.

yog 2

Hence, this Hotels In Yogyakarta is made. This application is kind of reference to provide the information and news for tourists that want to stay in Yogyakarta. There are numbers of Hotels and its description, and it can be accessed from iPad, iPhone and Android.



Ijo Temple, Sleman – Yogyakarta https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/blog/ijo-temple-sleman-yogyakarta/ Fri, 22 Feb 2013 02:21:22 +0000 http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/?p=2452 candi-ijo

Ijo temple is located at the top of the hill known as Gumuk Ijo, the highest hill in Prambanan. Bukit Ijo is on 410 meter above sea level, and it has 357,402 – 395,481 meter above sea level. If we stand on the temple and take a look at to the south, we can see valley with abrupt terrace or escarpment, however it has magnificent panorama to be seen.

Ijo Temple is consists of several temples with leveled terrace. The most sacred terrace is on the back yard and on the top. This reminds us to one of the megalithic cultural heritages or artifacts, that is ‘punden’ with steps. It is still unknown about the period of its establishment, however from the profile of temple, the motif of kala-makara accessories, langgam arca and relief of the temple is in naturalist style; it has similarity with another temples around which was built from VIII-X century. Therefore, it is predicted that the temple was established also in the same period.

The compound of the temple consists of 17 structures lied on 11 terraces with steps on the site. The temple yards are the entrance to the main temple, long wise from west to east. The top temple yard (11th terrace) is the most sacred one where we can find walls surrounding, eight lingga patok, the main temple, and three perwara temples aligning on the front of the main temple. The renovated were at the main temple and the middle perwara temple. The main temple has entrance at the westward. On the out wall there are relung for arca of Agastya, Ganesha, and Durga. Those artifacts are now kept in Kantor Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala Yogyakarta.

In the temple, there is lingga-yoni that symbolized the god of Siva with the goddess of Parvati. Thus, it can be concluded that the temple is dedicated for Hindu Siva with lingga, called lingga kultus. On the middle of perwara temple, there is arca of lembu (nandi). In Hindu’s mythology, nandi is the vehicle of the god of Siva.

The other structures of the Temple of Ijo are on the 9th terrace, ruins of batur eastward. On the 8th terrace, there are three temples and four batur, also two stone inscriptions. One of the inscription was found at the top of the entrance F-coded. The inscription is in one meter height written as Guywan, by Soekarto it is read as Bhuyutan which means asceticism. The inscription now becomes one of the collections of Museum Nasional Jakarta. The other stone inscription is 14 cm high, 9 cm long, with 16 sentences consisting of repetitive mantra of condemnation “Om sarwwawinasa, sarwwawinasa”.

The inscription does not mention number of year. However, from paleographic point of view, it is predicted from VIII-IX century. Therefore, there is a possibility that Temple of Ijo comes from the same period. On the 5th terrace, there is a temple with two batur; on the 4th terrace and on the 1st terrace, there is only one temple. Somehow, on the 10th, 7th, 6th, 3rd, and the 2nd terrace there is no temple or building.

