Bali – Visit Indonesia – The Most Beautiful Archipelago in The World Let’s Go Archipelago : The biggest islands country in the world Fri, 11 Mar 2022 07:59:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Getting to know Nyepi Day in Indonesia Fri, 11 Mar 2022 07:59:46 +0000 Nyepi Day is a Hindu New Year in Bali which is celebrated on the first new moon in March. It is usually celebrated on the same day as the Indian festival, Ugadi.

Nyepi Day Traditions
A few days before Nyepi, a Balinese Hindu purification ceremony and ritual called Melasti takes place. During Melasti, parades of villagers carry all the sacred objects from their temples to the sea or the shore of a nearby lake. There sacred objects are cleaned and purified with the holy water of the sea or lake.

Nyepi celebrations are centered in Bali and take two forms.
According to custom, the arrival of Spring is the time of year when the God of Hell sends all the demons to Bali, which must then be cleaned to purify the island before the new year begins. People then ran through the streets of villages and towns, with their faces painted, making as much noise as possible.

The evil spirits are driven out by the locals who make massive statues of the evil spirits called ‘Ogoh Ogoh’. The Ogoh Ogoh are then paraded through towns and villages while people with their faces painted make as much noise as possible to scare off the monsters. In the evening, the statues are ceremonially burned, followed by dancing, binge drinking, and generally shameless feasting.

Day of Silence
This noisy and brash festival is then followed by Nyepi, Bali’s “Day of Silence” also known as the Day of Exile. Nyepi, marks the start of the Balinese Hindu Saka New Year and the arrival of spring. Starting at 6am and lasting until 6am the next day, Nyepi is a day meant for self-reflection and anything distracting is not allowed. This means no cooking or fire, no entertainment, no travel and no work of any kind allowed.

On Nyepi, Bali’s that normally busy streets are quiet and although Nyepi is a Hindu festival. While the non-Hindu residents of Bali will also celebrate a day of silence out of respect for their fellow citizens. Tourists are free to do what they want inside their hotel but no one is allowed to the beach or sightseeing. Airports in Bali will also closed for Nyepi and telecommunication companies will even shut down internet services for 24 hours.

The day after Nyepi, known as Ngembak Geni, and daily routines return to normal, it is a day to perform religious rituals and ask forgiveness for past deeds to start the new year clean.
Nyepi Day has been a national holiday in Indonesia since 1983.

Cool! Ubud Enters the List of the Best Tourist Cities in the World Mon, 29 Nov 2021 08:57:40 +0000 Ubud is ranked fourth in the list of ’25 Best Cities in the World’ version of Travel and Leisure 2021. In that list Ubud is above Kyoto to Bangkok. In the list, Ubud managed to beat popular tourist cities in other countries, such as Bangkok, Seoul, Tokyo, and Rome. Ubud’s position is above Kyoto, Japan and below Istanbul, Turkey. Bangkok is ranked tenth, Rome is ranked 14th, Tokyo is ranked 19th, and Seoul is ranked 23rd.

Meanwhile, San Miguel de Allende city in Mexico was named the first rank of the best tourist city in the world. Mexico was also named the ‘Best Travel Destination in the World for 2022’. Meanwhile, the top five of the 25 best cities in the world are San Miguel de Allende (Mexico), Udaipur (India), Istanbul (Turkey), Ubud (Indonesia), and Kyoto (Japan).

Ubud Bali is one of the different tourist destinations from a number of tourist destinations in Bali. Of the many attractive and romantic beach tours, Bali also offers a place where you can enjoy peace and calm atmosphere. The place is located in Gianyar Regency. Not only that, the tourist area of Ubud Bali is also famous for its fascinating art, history and culture.

Ubud in Bali has long been known by traveler, both domestic and foreign tourists. Ubud is a sub-district in Bali which includes 13 banjars that oversee 6 traditional villages. Generally, the Ubud area is surrounded by rice fields and forests flanked by rivers and ravines. This is what further adds to the natural beauty of Ubud in Bali, it will certainly inspire anyone who visits it, as well as the friendly attitude of the local community.

The tourist destination of Ubud Bali is also one of the favorite tourist destinations for artists. In Ubud, you will find many artists from Europe, so not only in the domestic circle. Painting, dance, carving are the highlights of Ubud and have become the true identity of the place. This is where you can explore various unique and interesting sides of the traditions and culture of the Balinese people. You can watch Kecak, Legong and Barong dance performances in Ubud every week. In addition, there are also classical dance dramas of the Ramayana and Mahabharata, Balinese shadow puppets and gamelan performances.


Tibumana Waterfall in Bangli – Bali Thu, 30 Sep 2021 06:30:08 +0000 Tibumana Waterfall is one of the hidden tourist spots in Bali. Its presence in a rural area of ??Bangli, is still thick with shades of lush green trees. The existence of its location makes this tourist spot very comfortable to relieve fatigue while on vacation.
Tibumana Waterfall Bangli Bali has the uniqueness of its shape like twin waterfalls. Because there are two streams of water located side by side. Even so, the waterfall with a height of 20 meters does not always flow the same. There are times when only one side forms the flow of the waterfall. This is due to the seasonal factor.
Formerly this waterfall can be used as a place to swim or bathe, but now it is not allowed. This regulation stems from the belief of local residents, that the pool area under the waterfall is often used as a place for niskala watering. To respect this sacred area, tourists are prohibited from bathing.
The unique charm that is no less interesting to know is the cave between the two waterfalls. This cave is believed to be the way to Goa Raja Besakih Temple, although no truth has been revealed until now.
Near the waterfall, you can see a fairly large natural stone. Many of the tourists stand on the rocks to take pictures with cool styles such as meditation, yoga and so on. You can also take some beautiful pictures with the background of Tibumana Waterfall.
If you want to visit Tibumana Waterfall Bali, avoid coming during the peak holiday season because this place will be crowded by other visitors. Don’t forget to bring enough food, because there aren’t many sellers in the waterfall area. Use comfortable clothes and footwear for trekking, because you will pass a lot of rocky and slippery roads. The cliffs around tourist sites can be said to be prone to landslides, so you have to be more careful.

Tibumana Waterfall is located in Banjar Bangun Lemah Kawan, Apuan Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency, Bali.


Romantic Travel Destinations for Honeymoon in Bali Thu, 01 Jul 2021 18:06:00 +0000 There are many ways to spend honeymoon with your partner, one of way is visiting romantic tourist destinations. About romantic tourist destinations, Bali is the right place for those of you who want to enjoy a honeymoon. Taking a walk to the beach together or enjoying the natural atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of the city are things you can do when visiting this Gods Island.

Campuhan Hill, Ubud
Enjoying the beautiful natural atmosphere while holding hands, walking down a beautiful hill is something you can find at Campuhan Hill. This beautiful hill is located on Jalan Bangkiang Sidem, Ubud, Gianyar Regency, Bali. In addition to the fresh air, Campuhan Hill offers photo spots that you don’t want to miss. You can take pictures with your partner with a beautiful view of the green hills. Spending time together while having fun taking pictures, can certainly be one of the fun ways to have a honeymoon, right?

Tirta Gangga Karangasem
From Ubud shifted slightly to Karangasem Regency, here you can find romantic tourist destinations for honeymoon with your partner. Tirta Gangga Karangasem, this one tourist destination is already very famous for tourists. At Tirta Gangga Karangasem, you can find a pool of water with beautiful Balinese statues or carvings. Tirta Gangga Karangasem is also one of the royal gardens of Karangasem King.

So, in this place you can also take a historical tour while enjoying the beautiful scenery. In addition, there is also a bathing pool that tourists can enjoy. If you don’t like getting wet, taking pictures around the pool can also be an option, because there are many beautiful photo spots.

Gunung Payung Beach, Badung
Going to Bali is incomplete if you and your partner have not enjoyed the beauty of the beaches. Tired of the same beach atmosphere? Gunung Payung Beach is the answer. Located in Kutuh Village, South Kuta, Badung, Bali, this beach is the hidden gem of Bali. In addition to the place that has not been touched by tourists, this beach has amazing view on the Island. In addition to enjoying the beautiful white sand, you can also try various exciting activities with your partner. You can try paragliding or take pictures in small caves on this beach. Romantic right!

Broken Beach, Nusa Penida
One of the beaches in Bali that you can visit is Broken Beach or Pasih Uug Beach in Nusa Penida, Klungkung. The name of this beach motivated by the presence of a high cliff with a hole in the middle. The beach which has cliffs with about 50-200 meters height looks like a cave flowing with sea water. Enjoying the beauty of the beach or taking a walk to spend time together is something you can do in this place.

Jatiluwih Rice Terraces, Tabanan
Lastly, Jatiluwih Rice Terraces can be your anti-mainstream honeymoon place with your partner. Of course you are bored, if you visit the same place, now this tourist destination located in Tabanan Regency, Bali is the answer.

As the name implies, when visiting this place you will be treated to views of verdant rice fields. But wait, even though it’s only rice fields, but it has a unique arrangement (terracing) system. In fact, Jatiluwih Rice Terraces is the largest rice field in Bali. Can you imagine the beauty and the panorama like?

Interestingly, at the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces, there is a well-arranged path to get to the middle of the rice field. Walking with your partner while enjoying the beauty is certainly an unforgettable experience. After you are satisfied walking around, you also don’t need to worry because there are many stalls selling food and drinks around the rice fields. You can rest while enjoying the panorama of Jatiluwih Rice Terraces from a distance.


A View of Beautiful Shoreline on Pandawa Beach Tue, 27 Oct 2020 10:45:59 +0000 Pandawa Beach is one of the tourist areas in the southern Kuta area, Badung Regency, Bali. At first, foreign tourists who came to this place called Pandawa Beach with the name ‘Secret Beach’ . Meanwhile, local people call it Kutuh Beach, according to the location of the beach which is part of the Kutuh Village area.

The view of the limestone hill on the left and right of the road will welcome you when you enter Pandawa Beach area. This beach is located behind a sturdy cliff which makes it look exotic. Not only the stretch of cliffs, the manager also includes cultural elements on this beach. There are five statues of Pandawa knights placed between the cliff walls, they are Arjuna, Bima, Yudistira, Nakula, and Sadewa.

The five “lifeguard” statues are beautifully carved by native Balinese artists. In the same location, there is also a statue of Dewi Kunti who is the mother of the five Pandawa knights. All of the statues are white, about five meters high, given a purple cloth at the waist, and are lined up facing the beach.

Things To Do

  • Swim while enjoying the charm of beach
    White sandy beach with a length of more than 1 km which is flanked by two small headlands on the left and right as a barrier. This beach forms a crescent moon when viewed from the air with a width of approximately 250 m when drawn from the coastline towards the mainland. Clean white sand, clear sea water, and relatively calm waves will attract the attention of every visitor to swim or enjoy the beauty of the beach while sitting relaxed. The panorama offered will certainly not make you bored of spending time here.
  • Play the canoe
    Not only swimming, here you can also play canoe (small boat driven by oars). You can go around the beach while looking at the beauty of the blue sea and the splendor of limestone cliffs. Don’t be afraid to drown because you will also be equipped with a life jacket facility.
  • View seaweed cultivation
    Apart from tourism and water sports purposes, the west side of the beach is also used for seaweed cultivation by local residents. Here, you can see first hand the activities of the farmers working, from tying the seeds, planting them, to drying the seaweed. In fact, you are also given the opportunity to participate in cultivating seaweed.
  • Play paragliding on Timbis Hill
    Have you ever thought about enjoying all the beauty of Pandawa Beach from the air? If you’re brave, try paragliding or paragliding on Timbis Hill! The character of the cliffs and the right breeze make this location perfect for you to fly to see the beauty of the beach from above.

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Lovina Beach, the Enchantment Sunset and Dolphins in Bali Fri, 10 Jan 2020 08:08:15 +0000 Lovina Beach is known as one of beaches frequented by dolphins in Indonesia. The presence of dolphins is one of the attractiveness of this beach.

Formerly, Lovina Beach is better known among foreign tourists. Because of its calming atmosphere, tourists are so happy to visit this Lovina Beach. In the end, Lovina Beach developed into a tourist attraction in the northern part of Bali that can be visited by all groups.

Before visiting Lovina Beach, it’s good you know first what’s on Lovina Beach.

Location and Route to Lovina Beach

Lovina Beach is located in the Kalibukbuk village, Buleleng sub-district, Buleleng regency, Bali. The beach is about 10 km from Singaraja or about 20 minutes’ drive. If you depart from Kuta, it will take 2 hours 53 minutes or around 89 km.

In addition, from Denpasar to Lovina Beach will take 2 hours 31 minutes or about 81 km.

For the route, if you depart from Singaraja, you can take Ahmad Yani street headed Singaraja street then to Seririt. After that you will find a road sign that reads Lovina Beach.

From Ngurah Rai airport, via By Pass Ngurah Rai to Sunset road then goes to Imam Bonjol street. After being on Imam Bonjol street then you can just drive to Raya Denpasar street to Gilimanuk then walk a little to Bedugul. The final destination is until you get to Seririt.

For convenience, you can use the driver service who will take you anywhere in Bali.

Attraction of Lovina Beach

Beautiful Black Sandy Beach in Bali

Besides to white sand, Bali also has a beach with its natural black sand. Lovina Beach is one the black sand beaches in Bali. This will amaze you with its uniqueness, and will be very suitable for you who like the art of a photographer.

A Spot to See Dolphins

If you love dolphins, this is the right place when visiting Lovina Beach. There are more than hundreds of dolphins that can accompany you to play.

To get a closer look, just rent a boat and take you out to sea before sunrise. Dolphins usually appear from the beach with a distance of about 1 km. The right time is at 6 to 8 am.

There are tips too, to see dolphins at the right time. You can come from April to October. In addition, in the dry season it will be difficult to see them.

Have the Best Sunset

Lovina Beach features a beautiful view at sunset, with nature you can watch directly without obstacles.

Accompanied by dolphins who played there yesterday will add to the beautiful impression of this Lovina beach.

A Place for Coral Reef Conservation

Lovina Beach is also used as a place for coral reef conservation, with views of its beautiful marine life and marine animals that fill the waters of Lovina Beach. This also makes scientists interested in doing conservation.

Nearby Hotels

• Indra Pura Hotel

• Parma Hotel

• Cempaka Lovina Hotel

• Nirwana Water Garden

Penglipuran Village As The Pure Culture Village in Bali Tue, 10 Dec 2019 09:31:16 +0000 A village that is still bound by customs that lived for centuries, usually has its own uniqueness. That is Penglipuran Village, which upholds the concept of Tri Hita Karana, the Balinese philosophy of balancing the relationship between God, man and his environment. The village won various national and international awards.

Take a walk in Penglipuran village, tourists can find houses with traditional Balinese architecture. The village is also clean, there are no trash cans in the villagers’ yard. Last year, Penglipuran village won Kalpataru because of its efforts to protect the bamboo forest area.

They run and preserve traditional Balinese culture in their daily lives. Building architecture and land management still follow the Tri Mandala, which is divided into three areas: Utama Mandala (a sacred area for the gods in the form of temples), Madya Utama (residential area), and Nista Mandala (an unholy place).

These various achievements and features of Panglipuran Village are packaged in the Penglipuran Village Festival (PVF). Held every early December, the government wants tourists to always visit Penglipuran Village.

Penglipuran can indeed be an example, how tourist villages are built. His achievements also lined up. In 2016 Penglipuran was chosen as the 3rd cleanest village in the world according to the international magazine Boombastic. In 2017 it was awarded the Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Award (ISTA). Then in 2017 it was ranked the best in the category of cultural preservation. The latest awards, Penglipuran and Pemuteran listed in the Green Destinations Foundation Top 100 Sustainable Destinations.

PVF is held at the end of each year together with the welcoming of the new year. The series of PVF activities included an opening featuring a parade of Balinese traditional clothing, Barong Ngelawang, and other cultural arts parades, as well as various competitions.


Explore the Great Nuance in Mount Batur Bali Thu, 05 Dec 2019 08:21:13 +0000 Mount Batur is an active volcano and considered to be one of Hinduism’s most sacred mountains in Bali. The location is in Kintamani Sub-District and it belongs to Bangli Regency. Still, it doesn’t stop tourists to visit and explore the mountain especially to enjoy hiking and sightseeing.

The Nuance
With the height of about 1717 meters above the sea level, the mountain looks both beautiful and grandiose. Not to mention visitors can find numerous natural attractions that surround the mountain including Batur Lake! Once arriving at the hiking route, tourists can also witness jaw-dropping scenery and feel soothing atmosphere up there. What a great nuance! On top of that, the sun scenery looks the best either during the sunrise or sunset. Do not forget the fact that the mountain also comes with tons of flora and fauna.

Exploring Mount Batur
Mount Batur is a tourism icon in Bangli Regency. Before exploring the mountain, tourists should hear a local story related to it first. It is said Batur was once the Peak of Mahameru Mountain. However, it was relocated by Batara Pasupati with his magical power. The purpose was to create a new palace for Goddess Danu called Sthana Betari Danuh. People who lived near to it also regularly came to the Mount Batur for praying. They wanted to eradicate any misfortunes in the future and get an outstanding fertility to their land.

In terms of tourism, Mount Batur has three prime objects which are the lake, caldera, and crater. The good thing is that tourists can visit them all when exploring the site regardless of the time. That means it is going to be a perfect holiday, especially for those who love adventure and nature. Usually, tourists come here to enjoy several activities like trekking, photography, relaxation, and sightseeing. For a more festive nuance, it is recommended to come in a group either with friends or families, though.

Still, the best thing to do in Mount Batur is trekking. Even it is suitable for beginners or those who have never done trekking. It is because the route is easy and it features various types of panoramas. Plus, trekking at Mount Batur gives many benefits to tourists including a solution to get rid of stresses, strengthen stamina, and get a new experience!

How to Get There
The distance between Denpasar City and Mount Batur is 69.6 km. That means it may take around 2 hours and 9 minutes to get to the location. Have no worries. It can be faster if tourists take Nusantara Street. The first destination is Bangli Regency. Lastly, tourists only need to head to Kintamani Sub-District and conduct trekking to get to the best spot of the mountain.

Batu Belig Beach, The Most Pleasant Beach For Sunset View In Bali Fri, 26 Oct 2018 03:39:35 +0000 From the many beaches in Bali, there is interesting one called Batu Belig Beach with undeniable beauty. No wonder if Batu Belig becomes a favorite destination for tourists to visit. No wonder Bali is often referred to as an extraordinary island of tourist attraction belongs to Indonesia. The beauty spreads from the coast to the mountains.

In fact, the beach in Kerobokan area turned out to be able to seduce tourists to visit. The allure is mesmerizing with the appearance of natural beauty and atmosphere that no other beach has.

The beauty panorama will appear when dusk arrives. The sun’s light gradually sinks in the western horizon is the moment most awaited by tourists when it comes to Batu Belig Beach. Because at this time the painted panorama seems very beautiful in the eyes.

Usually visitors who come to spend time on the beach while sunbathing casually by watching the sea view, strolling along the beach, swimming, playing kites with children or even riding horses along the stretch of beach sand. Even horse riding is a popular activity that is often done here.

Children can freely play sand, even they can play ball in the beach area. The soft and thick sand will not make you sick when you fall. So parents who are watching their children playing are not worried.

Although the location is not far from Kuta, but Batu Belig is an alternative destination for tourists who want to feel a more tranquil feel from the hustle and bustle of the city. Because of the atmosphere of calm is not like in Kuta Beach which is very crowded with visitors.

As a favorite attraction are always visited by tourists, Batu Belig Beach Bali already has adequate tourism support facilities. Among them are lodging and cafe. If you want to buy some souvenirs, you can buy from souvenirs seller around the beach. They seem patient to offer their merchandise to each visitor while continuing to walk along the beach.

Some cafes provide seats on the shore are usually chosen by tourists to spend time waiting for the sunset. If you feel tired, you can also use massage services by the locals who offer services. With various facilities available, you will not feel bored when visiting Batu Belig Beach.


Located in Batu Belig Street, Kerobokan, North Kuta District, Badung Regency, this attractive beach has a vast expanse of fine white sand. The location is close to Seminyak area as well as a number of other popular beach such as Umalas, Canggu, Petitenget, Legian and Kuta.

To Get There

If taken from Denpasar and Tanah Lot tourist attraction only takes about 30 minutes’ drive. If you depart from Ngurah Rai Airport, the time needed to reach Batu Belig Beach is around 35 minutes.

Six Indonesian Popular Destinations in Asian Games 2018 Tue, 24 Jul 2018 04:42:26 +0000 Six popular destinations from different parts of the country are featured on images to promote Indonesian tourism during the 2018 Asian Games.

As reported by, the images, which are intended for billboards, also feature models adorned in traditional attire from countries participating in the Games.

“The initial idea was to welcome the different Asian nations to […] Asia’s largest sporting event. We use this moment to introduce Asian faces to society,” Ade Irawan from the Indonesian Asian Games Organizing Committee’s (INASGOC) communication department said, as quoted by

These are the six destinations featured on billboards in celebration of the Asian Games.

1. Borobudur, Central Java


The Borobudur temple is a cultural and religious tourist destination, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Located in Magelang, Central Java, Borobudur is one of the most recognized icons of Indonesian tourism.

To dive into the culture, travelers to the area can also choose homestay accommodation to remain near the site.

The Asian Games billboard for Borobudur features a model wearing a Southeast Asian-inspired costume while representing the sport of archery.

2. Shark Teeth Beach, Lampung


With a costume inspired by several cultural elements from across Central Asia, another image is set on Lampung’s Shark Teeth Beach.

Located 90 kilometers from Bandar Lampung, it is the unique pointed rocks have earned the beach its name.

3. Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, Bali


The next image features Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, a temple compound in Candikuning village in Bali. Located approximately 50 km north of Denpasar, the temple is surrounded by a serene lake.

Ulun Danu Beratan hosts five temples inside its premises, namely Agung Penataran, Dalem Purwa, Taman Beiji, Lingga Petak and Prajapati.

Meanwhile, the billboard features a model wearing an outfit inspired by East Asian culture while he holds on to a paddle.

4. Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi


Tana Toraja is located in South Sulawesi and is a conservation area of Proto Melayu Austronesia that is still well preserved.

A visit to Tana Toraja is not complete without visiting the burial site of the Toraja people, which is set on a rocky hill. Toraja culture upholds many traditional ceremonies set against a background of natural beauty.

For the Asian Games image, the model wears a South Asian-inspired costume while holding a golf club. Toraja’s rolling hills and traditional houses can be seen in the background.

5. Padar Island, Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara


Padar Island is one of the islands that make up the Komodo National Park in East Nusa Tenggara. The iconic bay featured on the promotional image is one of Indonesia’s most recognized spots of natural beauty.

Padar is one of the islands where travelers can see komodo dragons in the wild, aside from the neighboring islands of Komodo and Rinca.

In the Asian Games image, tribal elements inspired by several cultures of Southeast Asia define the costume of a model carrying a badminton racket.

6. Mount Rinjani, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara


Mount Rinjani in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, one of Indonesia’s seven highest summits, is listed as a UNESCO Global Geopark.

The hiking destination, popular among local and foreign climbers, invites visitors to enjoy beautiful views of Segara Anak Lake, the hills as well as the sea of clouds on top of the mountain and the beautiful crater.

On the image, the model, who carries a bicycle, wears garments inspired by the Middle East.


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